Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saudi Expats And Their Rights

Another law seems to be coming in Saudi. This time it is about the illegal expats in the Saudi. Expats who are illegally staying in the Kingdom will leave only after they pay up their dues.

It is not a bad move and will help to put a stop to illegal residents who owe money and yet leave the country without paying. The money due includes those outstanding amount owed to sponsors, or stolen or any other obligations the expat may have. The sponsors may also settle any amount due to the workers.

There are many cases where sponsors abuse the expats, ignoring their rights or simply treat them badly. This reflects badly on local sposors and agents as the main issue seems to be the money. Once the worker pays his dues, then he does not exist anymore to the sponsor.

Two years ago a plan was underway to improve the skills of the Saudi’s overseas service by enabling them to be trained in diplomatic skills, research as well as international issues. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been requested to set up an online service so that Saudi operations in Asia and Africa can seek help from the ministry.

Better facilities and improved developments are in the near future plans. So all looking good so far. Hopefully the rights of poor expats/workers will be recognized.

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